Morning Sickness --------> Morning Lousiness

Morning sickness is what I diagnosed as my pathological /psychological /lame excuse problem but, after some self research on the literally definition I came to know that this a term used to define and describe nausea in expecting mommies. So sans the pregnancy I now call it morning lousiness.
I pledge every night to get up early in the morning -> exercise -> get ready -> eat a healthy breakfast > get some fruits in my bag -> reach office early (even on time would be good for me) -> read ET -> work.
What I do is : get up late in the morning -> mostly do not exercise -> have my healthy breakfast ->watch TV -> read infotainment section \ gossip in the newspaper ->call friends -> chit chat -> lie to my friends that I am all ready -> rush to get ready-> forget the fruits -> reach office late -> work -> eat junk.
The quest to live the perfect life comes from my obsession towards the art of living and positive thinking stuff that I read a lot and follow very little. The above analysis was done when a friend questioned me repeatedly for days, about the reason I get late for work. So it was a kind of serendipity realization.
I was quite an early riser from the very beginning until a friend at my first work place told me how he managed to sleep till late and watch movies in the morning before coming to office and how life was so relaxed for him.

Well, one fine morning I was getting ready for work during my early rising days (but still within flipping through the channels) when I noticed Julia Roberts romancing Gere and I couldn’t resist watching Pretty Woman for the fifth time! I reached office around 11:15 am and everything around seemed to be cool. So this gave me all the more courage to watch movies before going to office and hence getting late and having lousy mornings.

That cringing back to bed again and again, lost in dreams, thinking in the head to go early yet sleeping again. Watching TV as if I am Osama tin laden to miss any of my footage on the reel or a highly sought after Hollywood actress. Then hurrying up at a speed, as one would fear missing the last space ship in 2012 to take off the habitation to a protected place.

Seriously doing something when you are least supposed to do it, gives a high, thrilling feeling. Leaves a rebellious streak and king \queen of ones will type of attitude.
 Nevertheless it then becomes routine and then one tries finding ways to prioritize. A vicious circle it is: Control, loose, lose control and end up having a lousy morning.


  1. Good one Niraj , like it very much ....i am interested to know ....which friend of urs gave u that suggestion... :P

    i really enjoyed every para of it...Keep it up.

  2. Thanks...btw u dnt knw tht friend of mine ;)

  3. Morning sickness.... :) :) Good write up and good self-observation... gives me a chance to start observing me and get some change in a lousy routine...
